Tämä on eliitin yhteiskuntaoppia.
Kristillistä terroria köyhien syntisyyttä kohtaan.
- Yhdysvaltalaisen poikakodin synkkä historia sai vahvistusta hautatutkimuksissa
Alamaiset alistetaan, liiskataan, todellisuus sensuroidaan, tämä on ollut puhtaasti ideologista toimintaa suomessakin suomenruotsalaisten valvomissa lasten keskitysleireissä 70-luvulle saakka ja nyt taas uudestaan perustetuille valvomattomille bisnes-lastenkodeille, köyhät liiskataan mutaan, köyhyydestä tehdään loistava pelote jotta pelon lamaannuttamat massat pelkomedian alla ihailisivat huoletonta Jumalaa ja venäjävihaa ylistävää eliittiä.
Suomi on ainoa Euroopan maa jossa Fasistien terrorin joukkohautoja ei ole tutkittu ja avattu. Ev-lut kirkko jatkoi suoraan samaa terrori-synti-terroria ruotsalaisen eliititn kolonisaationa Suomessa ja allekirjoitti SS-natsienkin kanssa kirjallisen sopimuksen jatkosodassa natsikolonisaaatiosta ja demokratian hävittämisestä.
Eihän Suomessakaan ole aloitettu lastenkodeissa satoja tappaneiden murhatutkimuksia, on vain mediakauhistelua ja siihen jäi:
Varastettu lapsuus
Sosiaalisesta historiastamme
12.6.2013 19:34 Marcus Petäjä
- Katsoin YLE Areenalta Ari Lehikoisen Varastettu lapsuus -dokumentin. Verenpaineeni nousi sitä katsoessa. Kuinka on mahdollista, että tällaista on sattunut Suomemme kaltaisessa lintukodossa? Kuka on vastuussa? Miksi tällaista tapahtui?
Onko Suomi sitten lintukoto?https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherEverard/posts/10201338776107329
Christopher Everard 27. tammikuuta kello 18:47
BIGGEST SCANDAL EVER: In Ireland, surviviors of sex abuse have expressed outrage over Government plans to seal all orphanage investigation records for 75 years… Government plans allows for the destruction of documents which include testimonies of young mothers being raped by priests and nuns snatching their illegitimate babies and selling them in exchange for 'church donations'… More than 300,000 peoplee have had their lives wrecked by the Catholic-pedo nuns and priests in Ireland. It's only been since 1980 that the Irish Church was in the cross hairs of investigative journalists - up until then the Catholic authorities argued that every Catholic priest was 'IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION'!!! The official PR bullshit spread by the Vatican was that its priesthood was celibate and chaste, and homosexuality was both a sin and a crime. Meanwhile, back in Rome, the Vatican had refurbished luxury apartments in an apartment block where there was a gay brothel on the ground floor!
The Church forbade its members to use artificial contraception, campaigned strongly against laws allowing abortion and divorce, and publicly disapproved of unmarried cohabiting couples and illegitimacy… But all along, teenage girls were being groped and molested by priests who got them pregnant!
It was only the power of JOURNALISM which has helped to tell the truth. A series of television documentaries in the 1990s and 2000s essentially 'blew the lid' on the child and baby trafficking rackets of priests and nuns. In 1995–2002 the emergence of the same problem in the USA led to the view that the Vatican had attempted to cover up sex crimes and misconduct, and was not limited to sexual abuse (see Catholic sex abuse cases in the United States). By the late 2000s the misconduct was recognised as a worldwide scandal.
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and the former pedo priest, Oliver O’Grady, were exposed in a recent documentary film which alleges that O'Grady abused young boys and girls across central California over 20 years. The former priest, who lives in Ireland, said he was able to continue abusing children in part because of actions by Cardinal Mahony. Mahony recently finally was forced to pay out $10m in compensation for hiding and abetting another pedo priest. Cardinal Roger Mahony protected the defrocked priest Michael Baker, who was eventually convicted in 2007 and sent to prison on 12 criminal counts of oral copulation with two boys. In Ireland we'll now never know who the pedo nuns and priests are because many documents will be under lock and key or destroyed.