Miksi Suomen kannattaa ottaa pikaero eurojuntan terrorista ja valheista:
Brittilehti tylyttää:
Suomella ei ole mitään vaikutusvaltaa EU:ssa
Suomi, Italia, Kreikka liitettiin laittomasti euroon, pankkien vallankaappaukseen, plutokratian infernoon.
As German newspaper Die Welt writes today, the real reason Greece was blackmailed and coerced to sign a deal was to avoid breaking the NATO front against Russia.
Kapinajulistus, kovaa kamaa
Bryssät Ottivat maailmanvallankumouksen riskin.
Eli siis kertoivat että euro on poliittinen raha.
- Auvo RouvinenEKP johto taas koostuu vallan kaapanneista byrokraateista joiden poliittista kantaa en tiedä kukaan.
“Blame the Greeks” – 5 Persistent Myths
One thing that I didn’t understand about the process even from a public relations perspective is that he called a referendum over a series of proposed measures that he then called on people to reject and yet in the run-up to the referendum, he made a move towards the creditors that seemed to be even worse in some aspects than the measures that he was calling on people to reject.
That all gave the impression of complete amateurism and chaos.
Paul Craig Roberts
– We Are Now Witnessing The Elites’ Terrifying Endgame
Behind the Greek Economic Crisis.
The Unspoken History of Foreign Intervention
Behind the Mask of Democracy Lurks European Tyranny
Paavo Väyrynen:
Suomi liittyi euroon vastoin perustuslakia – kansanäänestys eurosta
Oikeisto puhuu pötyä
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