sunnuntaina, elokuuta 14, 2016

Pohjoismaisen mallin alasajo on tahallista terroria

Kauppalehti tietysti yrittää taas vääristää akateemikon sanomaa otsikossa.
Pohjoismainen malli on osoittanut olevansa tehokkain talouden ja ihmisyyden edistäjä - joka tasolla. Se on palautettava. Tiukat rajat, tiukka valvonta, resurssien jakaminen, koulutus, veroprogresso.

- Luennollaan Mazzucato siteeraa harvemmin tunnettua John Maynard Keynesin tekstiä, jossa Keynes toteaa valtioiden tulevan tehdä sitä, mitä yksityiset markkinat eivät vielä tee. Lopulta ei ole merkitystä, tekeekö julkinen vai yksityinen sektori sen tehokkaammin. 

Maailmankuulu taloustieteilijä Mariana Mazzucato haluaa ravistella ihmisten suppeita käsityksiä julkisten instituutioiden roolista.

- Sitran johtavan asiantuntijan Timo Hämäläisen mukaan Suomessa onnistuttiin 80-luvulla valtion aktiivisessa elinkeinopolitiikassa. Julkisen vallan aktiivisen osallistumisen avulla luotiin pohja Nokian myöhemmälle nousulle maailman johtavaksi yhtiöksi telekommunikaation alalla.

Suomea ajetaan nyt Amerikan ja Lontoon geopolitiikan alle tuhoamalla Suomen itsenäisyys ja omavaraisuus.

Näin tuetaan epätoivoista pörssi-ideologiaa, uuskolonisaatiolla ja neokonservatismilla.

Josta puhutaan "edisyksenä" ja "vapauttamisena".

Euroterroria tekohengitetään ja levitetään kohti diktatuurin, liittovaltion lopulista rakentamista. 

Hajota ja hallitse.

Suomen on tehtävä islannit: Saksan ja EU:n virkamiehet ovat väärentäneet monia taseita ja siksi Suomen on kieltäydyttävä maksamasta Suomen pankin takauksia ja pankkiveroa EU:n paisuttamille keinottelupankeille


Eron kustannukset voivat olla korkeat, mutta yhdessä pysyminen voi tulla vielä kalliimmaksi.

Durkheimilaisen sosiologian perusasetukset ovat useimmille ylivoimaisia ymmärtää. “Se, että on olemassa yhteisöllisiä ominaisuuksia, jotka eivät ole palautettavissa yksilöiden ominaisuuksiin ja pyrkimyksiin, on suhteellisen vaikeasti käsitettävä asia, joka toki edelleen vaatisi paljon filosofista ja käsitteellistä analyysia. 

Taloustieteen professori Markus Jäntti kirjoittaa VATT:n kolumnissa, ettei…


Ruotsi putoaa islamilaisen maahanmuuttoväkivallan ja raiskausten takia. Maahanmuuttajat eivät ole kiitollisia, sopeutuvia, humanismia ymmärtäviä, oppivia vaan rasisteja ja taantuneeseen uskontoon/papistoon tarrautuneita. Haittamaahanmuuton vaikutukset repivät Ruotsin imagoa ja elintasoa vauhdilla.
Norjassa on ollut tiukin maahanmuuttorkiteeri Pohjoismaista vaikka massamedia onkin peittänyt Norjan sata rikollisklaania kiristysbisneksenä suurkaupungeissa.
One country is achieving the right balance between well-being and environmental sustainability, according to the Happy Planet Index 2016.

EKP aloittaa pian historiallisen mittavat valtionlainaostonsa. Samalla se tekee toisenlaistakin historiaa: se kasvattaa vaivihkaisen varainsiirtonsa tavallisilta säästäjiltä velkaisille ja finanssipelureille entistäkin mittavammaksi. Suomessa…

In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams

Uuden saksalaistutkimuksen mukaan suurpankeilta puuttuu jopa sata kertaa enemmän pääomia kuin Euroopan pankkivalvoja EBA uskottelee. Pankkien "ankarat" stressitestit olivat taas tökeröä teatteria.

Jacky Murphy / NeoNettle
  • The long awaited Wikileaks email documents and email dumps have now taken a more sinister turn in exposing Hillary Clinton.

    New email dumps have illustrated a directed link to her and the Rothschild Family, it also suggests she has close relationship with the Rothschilds which also hints at a Rockefeller-State partnership.

    YNY reports: The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs.Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary Clinton’s close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rockefeller-State partnership.The fact the mainstream media have been exposed colluding with the Clinton campaign cannot come as a surprise, considering she is the Rothschild’s selected candidate.Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.”On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild saying, “I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …”Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for “personally reaching out to us,” and adds, “You are the best, and we remain your biggest fans.”A January 9, 2012, email discusses a meeting set to take place at Jacob Rothschild’s “historic estate, Waddesdon.”OCCULTIST TIESHillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings.In an email from August 29 2008, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .”Thanks to the Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive (containing 30,022 emails, free to search), we now have more concrete proof that Hillary Clinton and other globalist elites have occult ties. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is.Hillary Clinton New world orderBut Bohemian Grove, the playground of the world’s most wealthy and powerful men, has been performing sacrifice rituals to Moloch since the 1800s, offering charred human flesh according to some reports.Given the reputation Bohemian Grove has for deciding the next President of the United States in the year before the election (see former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, the Bush dynasty, as well as Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton), it should come as no surprise that Hillary is wriggling her way into their dark, secretive world.The Bohemian Grove club might be infamously male only, but temporary exceptions have been made for women before, and as it is apparent the New World Order has decided it is in their interest to ordain Hillary as the next President then they will bend their rules to let her in.This explains why the mainstream media – and social media platforms – are working overtime to get Clinton elected. The global elites have spoken and the mainstream media has begun marching to the beat of their drum – supporting their selected candidate, and destroying the chances of anyone they see as a threat to their corrupt, elite club.
Dumps have now taken a more sinister turn in exposing Hillary Clinton.
The long awaited Wikileaks email documents and email dumps have now taken a more sinister turn in exposing Hillary Clinton. New email dumps have illustrated a directed link to her and the Rothschild Family, it also suggests she has close relationship with the Rothschilds which also hints at a Rockefeller-State partnership.YNY reports: The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs.Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary Clinton’s close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rockefeller-State partnership.The fact the mainstream media have been exposed colluding with the Clinton campaign cannot come as a surprise, considering she is the Rothschild’s selected candidate.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.”On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild saying, “I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …”Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for “personally reaching out to us,” and adds, “You are the best, and we remain your biggest fans.”A January 9, 2012, email discusses a meeting set to take place at Jacob Rothschild’s “historic estate, Waddesdon.”OCCULTIST TIESHillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings.In an email from August 29 2008, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .”Thanks to the Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive (containing 30,022 emails, free to search), we now have more concrete proof that Hillary Clinton and other globalist elites have occult ties. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is.Hillary Clinton New world orderBut Bohemian Grove, the playground of the world’s most wealthy and powerful men, has been performing sacrifice rituals to Moloch since the 1800s, offering charred human flesh according to some reports.Given the reputation Bohemian Grove has for deciding the next President of the United States in the year before the election (see former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, the Bush dynasty, as well as Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton), it should come as no surprise that Hillary is wriggling her way into their dark, secretive world.The Bohemian Grove club might be infamously male only, but temporary exceptions have been made for women before, and as it is apparent the New World Order has decided it is in their interest to ordain Hillary as the next President then they will bend their rules to let her in.This explains why the mainstream media – and social media platforms – are working overtime to get Clinton elected. The global elites have spoken and the mainstream media has begun marching to the beat of their drum – supporting their selected candidate, and destroying the chances of anyone they see as a threat to their corrupt, elite club.

New email dump could be a game changer | NEON NETTLE - Music, Entertainment and Alternative News.

Valtion ei tarvitse maksaa velkojaan pois, Suomen valtion lainanotosta vastaavan…

Check Keiser Report website for more: In this episode of the Keiser Report from Washington DC Max and Stacy discuss…

62 miljardia euroa on maksettu ulkomaan velan korkoja vuodesta 1996 lähtien.
Ulkomaanvelan määrä on tällä hetkellä 104 miljardia euroa.
62 miljardia euroa on markoiksi muutettuna 360 miljardia Suomen markkaa. Mitä tuolla määrällä olisi saatu Suomeen rakennettua?
Otamme velkaa haittamaahanmuutto loisille, jotka käyttävät häikäilemättömästi hyväksi sosiaaliturvaa sen sijaan, että sillä autettaisiin kantasuomalaisia ihmisiä, lapsiperheitä, vanhuksia.
Leipäjonot pitenevät ja niihin kuollaan ja niissä oleminen on muuttunut joillekin pakolliseksi, elämäntavaksi. Mitä tekee presidenttimme, hallituksemme?
Mikä on Ojalan laskuopin mukaan tuon ulkomaanvelan korkoprosentti? Laskin sen, se on 62/104 x 100 = 59,6 %
Ottaisitteko omaan talouteenne velkaa tuollaisella korolla?
Miten tällainen valtion rahojen rälläys ja politiikka on edes selitettävissä? Mitenkään.
(Lähde: valtionvarainministeriö.) 

The mainstream media has never had more power than it does today. Do you ever ask yourself who controls it? The fact is that just six companies control over 90% of what you read, watch and listen to. Six companies controlling the “programming” fed to the whole country.

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers have an unimaginable amount of wealth that…


‪#‎pakolaiset‬ ‪#‎maahanmuutto‬ ‪#‎haittamaahanmuutto‬ ‪#‎demokratia‬ ‪#‎markka‬‪#‎pohjoismainenmalli‬ ‪#‎eurokriisi‬

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