* päivitetty iii
Näin sairaita ovat kapitalistiset vale-anarkistit.
Tämä on huippuunsa trimmattua neo-fasismia:
"Pokemon Go on juuri se ase, jota aikamme ja yhteiskuntamme tarvitsi.
Se on ase pelkoa ja epäluuloa vastaan".
"Suvi Auvinen image blog"
Tässä valeanarkisti ylistää kaupallista todellisuuspakoa loistavana ideologisena ratkaisuna.
Massasuggestiota ideaalipäämääränä. Kuin kirkon pappi esittelemässä kirkon penkkiä poliittisen tietoisuuden vaihtoehtona.
Tämä on plutokratian teknoeliitin unelma-ajatus. Massakontrollin ihanne-eetoksen paisuttamista massoille. Nuoriso kuluttajana, ahdistuksen torjujana, tiedostamisen torjujana.
Älä aktivoidu poliittisesti nousemaan EU-fasismia ja natoterroria vastaan vaan huuhtoudu viihdytettäväksi, massamedian ja massaviihteen onnelliseksi yksilöksi.
Pokemon ehtoollinen, tämä löytämäsi virtualiruumis annetaan sinun edestäsi virtuaalilompakkoosi.
Luovu peloistasi.
Huolettomaksi yksilöksi. Ihaile huolettomuutta. Rakasta taantumista. Älä puhu Amerikan hyökkäyssotien lopettamisesta ja Suomen irtaantumisesta tästä Amerikan ja Lontoon imperialismista niin olo helpottuu ja kauniimpi PokeMon löytyy nurkan takaa.
Luuletteko että jos Suvi olisi aito anarkisti hän saisi jatkuvasti oikeistolaisen massamedian ihailua ja rahaa kuten nyt? Hän on operatiivi, harhauttaja eliitin maailmankuvan ja vallan puolesta.
Tuotteistettu vapaus! Olet vapautettu tiedostamisesta ja hyväksyt yhteiskunnan tuhoamisen rajojen aukaisun jumalallisella itsetuholla. Ihailet antautumista, luovu suojeluvaistosta, juokse massaviihteen, pokemonin perässä. Älä kuuntele suomalaisen fasisti-hallituksen sodan ihailua ja itsenäisyyden järjestelmällistä tuhoamista. Ole yksilö omassa kuplassasi. Luovuta ja luo virtuaali-identiteetti.
Ja lopulta luulet Amerikan sotilaiden maihinnousua pokemonien festivaaliksi.
Suvi esittää pokemonin ideologiseksi vapahtajaksi pois kannanoton vastuusta ja vaputtamaan eliitin luomaan massamedialla lisää valetodellisuutta massaviihteen luoman illuusiotodellisuuden avulla.
Ihmisiä kehotetaan pakenemaan fantasioihin, pääset pelaamaan vain hyväksymällä pelin vakoiluominaisuudet, naittamaan vakavan yksityisyyden rikkominen vakoilun hyväksymisen kautta - ja tämä on ollut kirkkokultturinkin ydin, pyhimys-pokemonit ja papille raportoiminen.
Eliitti on aina luonut taantumisen kirkkorituaaleja, pyhimys-pokemon-siunaustenkeräilykiihkoa ja antautumisen massasuggestioita, paineiden purkauttamiskanavia pois politiikasta ja kansan tiedostavata solidaarisuudesta keskistetyn ja salatun vallan turvaamiseksi.
Robotisaatio tarkoittaa nimenomaan ihmisten itsesuojeluvaiston ja omakuvan tuhoamista ja ohjautumiseen antautumista eri keinoin, myös viihdekeinoin kuten Brave new world kirjassa visio luotiin. Hollywood on tarkkaan sensuroitu ase CIA:n ja armeijan ohjauksessa.
Kuluta ja unelmoi ja sokeudu. Suvi ja muut eliitin puudelit esittävät pokemonia vasemmiston ja tiedostamisen korvaavaksi ideologiaksi - että ihmiset voisivat unelmoida eivätkä vastustaisi eliittiä. Elä huoletonta virtuaalielämää ja unohda EU:n militarisointi, unohda Naton lavastetut terrori-iskut. Usko kaikki virtuaalinen ja lavastettu.
Yksi pokemon Go:n businessmalleista on tarjota paikallisille kauppiaille keino houkutella väkeä paikalle.
Fasismi ja sodan lietsominen on luotu nyt Eurooppaan takaisin luomalla fantasia EU:sta ja hyvin markkinoidun eliitin hegemonian EU-"identiteetistä", alistumisen identiteetistä, naton hyökkäyssodista "rauhansotina", kuolemanpartiot Afganistanissa "rauhanturvajoukkoina".
Kitkattoman kapitalismin pseudoideologiat, nuorekkaat valevihreät, valeanarkistit ja valevasemmisto, eliitin keräilypokemonit.
Verrattuna 1984-kirjaan "Brave New World" korosti eliitin kitkatonta, sumeaa suggestiovaltaa. Mielihyvän terroria. Sadismia "eettisyytenä" "korkeamman päämäärän hyväksi". Eliitin asettamaa status-hegemoniaa mielihyvän "todellisuutena".
Suggestiokemiaa ja -mediaa "pehmeänä valtana".
Vain idiootti innostuu rahaeliitin, sensuurin ja sodanluojien virtuaalitodellisuudesta.
Mass distractions are weapon for nice fascism. "Brave New World"
Massaviihe on sokeutumisen koneisto.
Is this a "new level of invasion"

jokainen "uskonto" on massasuggestioväline. Kuten demoneille ystäväksi tekevä Pokoemon. Video:
and Pokémon Go
Kun todellisuus on liian ahdistava, voi luovuttaa vallan fasisteille, natolle ja massamedialle, massavakoilulle ja voi taantua lapseksi virtuaalivankilaan antautuneena: pelastusta etsitään virtuaalitodellisuudesta kun todellisuuden hallinta, talousromahdus ja kaaoksen lietsominen luovutetaan fasisteille, kapitalisteile, eurodiktatuurin paasaajille.

-I think people are so afraid of the reality of the world that they will attach themselves to anything to avoid looking at the reality and I hate cowards. I hope they all get hit by cars.

Pokémon Go and mass dissociation: Anchoring the frequency of chaos and destruction -- Sott.net
Pokémon Go, a mobile app that has surpassed Twitter and Facebook in terms of the number of active users, is the latest craze to sweep the globe, with tens of millions…
"The financial wing of the Central Intelligence Agency, the BIS is fiscally responsible for funding virtually all of chaos and madness seen in the world today.
Switzerland Home to Bank for International Settlements The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the financial backbone of the CIA, secretly funding its nefarious operations around the world. Admittedly “the world’s oldest international financial organization”, the BIS funds 60 central banks (e.g., Bank of China, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, etc.), which collectively make up 95% of the world’s GDP (gross domestic product).
Although the BIS bills itself as an international organization of central banks which attempts “to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“, it is solely responsible for orchestrating the world’s financial crises simply due to the fact that it alone has the power to create money. In other words, the BIS is responsible for creating and distributing the world’s fiat money supply which is in turn used to fund the world’s respective governments, intelligence agencies and militaries, as well as all the assassinations, terror attacks wars they engage in at the behest of the CIA."The bottom line is that the United States is being directed fromthe Vatican, and that the CIA is not headquartered in Langley, Virginia. The CIA's headquarters are in Switzerland. Located in central Europe, Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA). The CIA, which operates under the alias Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C”), was founded 40 years after Confoederationis Helveticae (i.e., Switzerland), roughly 755 years ago.By employing deductive reasoning, it can be deduced that Switzerland is in fact home to the CIA. The first step in this process is to follow the money which leads directly to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, an organization which secretly funds the CIA’s nefarious activities. Switzerland is unique from every other country on Earth, something expected from the nation which harbors the CIA. Because Switzerland is ultimately responsible for engineering the incessant assassinations, terror attacks and wars around the globe, it is naturally free of such mayhem.In other words, Switzerland is the eye of the global storm—free of financial crises, free of statesponsored terrorism, and free of war for over 500 years. After all, terrorists in the CIA need a sanctuary, a place of peace and safety where they can return to after executing black operations around the world. Said terrorists also need a place where they can avoid prosecution, hence Switzerland’s permanently neutral position within the international community. This is why the bankers, pirates and terrorists formerly known as the Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John (see below) originally fled to the Alps, founding what is known today as Switzerland. Because the CIA is in command and control of each country’s respective intelligence agencies and military, they are responsible for orchestrating virtually all of the the assassinations, terror attacks and wars. This is where the concept of the Swiss Army Knife originally came from for Switzerland has every political and military option at their respective disposal. Although Switzerland is noted for its Swiss Mercenaries who were strategically placed by the CIA in foreign armies, courts and governments in order to conduct assassinations and espionage, 99% of Swiss citizens have absolutely no idea that their country is in fact home to the CIA."
Unohtakaa todellisuus, unohtakaa kiovan natsit, unohtakaa CIA:n ja naton aseistamien natsien jatkuva tykkituli Euroopassa itä-ukrainalaisia teurastaen, juoskaa pokemonin perään, nauttikaa elämästä, lunastakaa huolettoman kansalaisen pilleri ja unohtakaa todellisuus virtuaali-massamedian alta.
Sheremet Was Publicly Executed by Ukraine, Where He Sought Freedom -- The author is editor of Natsionalnaya Oborona (National Defense) Magazine and an expert on… RUSSIA-INSIDER.COM http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/sheremet-was-publicly-executed-ukraine-where-he-sought-freedom/ri15749
Pokemon go kerää kaikki google-tietosi ja kopioi, äänittää kaikki alueet kuvina jolla liikut, myös sisätilat
Comic-Con: Pokémon Go
Is ‘Totalitarianism,’
Says Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone managed to rev up publicity for his new film about Edward Snowden by likening Pokémon Go to totalitarianism, reports Vulture:
Last year, on the first day of Comic-Con, I watched Jennifer Lawrence lead a raucous Hunger Games panel where she razzed her co-stars and wiped her runny nose on the dais tablecloth. This year, on the first day of Comic-Con, Oliver Stone brought his new film Snowden to Hall H for a sedate conversation about infamous whistleblower Edward Snowden, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the film. It was a little bit of cognitive dissonance, to come to this convention devoted to blockbuster spectacle and fantasy only to watch an Oscar-winning filmmaker earnestly discuss patriotism and answer questions about Manuel Noriega. I could feel the crowd getting restless.And then, some angel in the audience asked Oliver Stone about Pokémon Go. … “It’s not really funny,” the filmmaker scolded us. “I’m hearing about it too, it’s a new level of invasion. Once the government had been hounded by Snowden, of course the corporations went into encryption, because they had to for survival, right? But the search for profits is enormous. Nobody has ever seen, in the history of the world, something like Google, ever. It’s the fastest-growing business ever, and they have invested huge amounts of money into what surveillance is, which is data-mining. They’re data-mining every person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what it is you like, and above all, your behavior. Pokémon Go kicks into that. It’s everywhere. It’s what some people call surveillance capitalism. It’s the newest stage.”… Posted By: majestic
Oliver Stonen mukaan
Pokémon Gon kaltaiset pelit voivat johtaa totalitarismiin. Amerikkalaisohjaaja ilmaisi huolensa mainostaessaan uutta elokuvaansa NSA:n tietovuotaja Edward Snowdenista. Stonelta kysyttiin Comic-Con International -tapahtumassa San Diegossa, mitä mieltä hän on Pokémon Go -peliin liittyvistä turvallisuusongelmista. Ohjaaja vastasi kaupallisten yhtiöiden tarkkailevan ihmisten käyttäytymistä.
Pokémon Gon kaltaiset pelit voivat johtaa totalitarismiin. Amerikkalaisohjaaja ilmaisi huolensa mainostaessaan uutta elokuvaansa NSA:n tietovuotaja Edward Snowdenista. Stonelta kysyttiin Comic-Con International -tapahtumassa San Diegossa, mitä mieltä hän on Pokémon Go -peliin liittyvistä turvallisuusongelmista. Ohjaaja vastasi kaupallisten yhtiöiden tarkkailevan ihmisten käyttäytymistä.
- Tämä ei ole hauskaa. Se mitä nyt tapahtuu, on uuden tason hyökkäys, Stone sanoi Time-lehdessä.
- Voitot Googlen kaltaisille toimijoille ovat valtavat. Ne ovat investoineet suunnattomat määrät rahaa
Viihdeteollisuus - aivopesun ammattilaiset ja CIA:n kontrolli
Poliittinen "todellisuus" sotketaan ja salaliittoja vähätellään tahallaan massamediassa, jotta se aiheuttaa ahdistusta ja lamaantumista niin vanhemmissa kuin nuoremmissa. Mediashowssa valtaa käyttäneet eivät ole vastuussa mistään.
Puolueetkin on sotkettu ja solutettu. Oikeiston oma pokemon-solutuspeli, valtapeli on brutaalia todellisuutta, jossa äänestäjät eivät saa sitä mitä haluavat koska 95% on lavastettua ja poliitikot ovat salaliittojen toteuttajia ja rahaeliitin marionetteja.
- Frankie Boyle tells Facebook, “An article the Guardian pulled at the last minute because they objected to the word “bummed’ on the grounds of taste.”
Much as this new cabinet looks like the Monster Mash, it must be a nice change for the Tories to have a few frontbenchers whose mum and dad didn’t get out of the back of the car when they arrived at parent’s evening. Normally, the Prime Minister is obliged for Occult reasons to find a place in cabinet for someone representing each of the Archetypes in the classic Tarot of Tories : The Jester; The Toad; The Shapeshifter; The Well Groomed Man; The Pederast; Lord Business; Shagger Without Portfolio; The Other Pederast; The Unknown Woman; and The Bummed Man. One thing this cabinet will help with is reclaiming the side of the Conservative vote that had crumbled to UKIP. Farage has already disappeared, as if he was only ever called into existence by the collective telepathic will of Daily Express readers. If the election isn’t called for two years and Brexit gets under way, or at least seems to, will UKIP still exist in a meaningful way? Do we even care about, say, their education policy? It’s like wanting to know ISIS’s position on speed cameras.Theresa May is our second Prime Minister with the outer carapace of a human female, but what do we know about what she really thinks? We have nothing more to go on than her six years as the most right wing Home Secretary in living memory and her declared opposition to human rights. Who knows yet what her philosophy will be? The smart money is on free will for the rich and determinism for the poor. The appointment of 69 Junior Ministers shows us just how insecure May feels about a backbench rebellion, as well as showcasing her famously smutty sense of humour. In the interests of keeping him where she can see him, and general distraction, she placed Boris Johnson, looking more than ever like a nightmare Terry Gilliam had about an Emperor penguin, at the Foreign Office. Boris’s appointment has certainly divided people, into those who don’t want to be represented by him abroad and those who’re just glad that he’ll be out of the country more often. Foreign Office. You’d think by now it would be the dept for International Relations and Co-operation or something, but no it’s the Foreign Office, an office, for dealing with foreigners.I’m not judging Labour’s behaviour so far in their election. Trying to exclude your core demographic by charging 25 quid is exactly what I did on my last stand up tour. Perhaps what non members like me don’t understand is that all this talk of “Labour family” is more than a metaphor, and they really do all fucking hate each other. We all marvelled at the way the Tory shield wall closed during their election, at the sheer brutal efficacy of it, in the same way that Ian Holm’s android in Alien purred over the efficiency of the film’s predator. It’s admirable I’m sure, but let’s remember that no good will come of it. There’s nothing to say that a soft-left candidate who echoed some of the Conservative’s concerns about immigration couldn’t make a better Labour leader, except for the last election where they tried that and it totally didn’t work. But that’s politics isn’t it? It’s all about opinions. I mean I suppose there are some people in Iraq, Libya and Syria who might view the concern over a brick going through Angela Eagle’s office window with a certain ironic detachment, if they still had the Internet, or indeed eyes. The spirit of the times was perhaps best captured when Owen Smith launched his candidacy by going on Andrew Marr to announce that he would be happy to instigate a nuclear holocaust, as Marr prepared to throw over to a country trio called Applewood Road.I’ve sensed a certain anti-democratic air in the media since Brexit, and maybe some of this has found its way into the Labour debate. Perhaps the parliamentary party are best placed to choose leaders after all, has been the response of commentators who secretly want to scream for quite a long time about why any decision should depend on the opinions of people who live in Sunderland. Labour have been attacked for failing to hold power to account, but there was a time when the media saw that as its own job too. If only half the horror at being plunged into the unknown of Brexit had been reserved for the grim certainties of this May government. The man who destroyed a lot of lives imposing an austerity that actually increased debt got sacked and did a runner out of the back door, while the press ran pieces on May’s first speech (about, eh, social justice…) that were little more than PR. Maybe we need to be a bit more generous about the stated intentions of voters and a bit more sceptical about those of politicians.For what it’s worth, all the indicators are that May is a vehemently pro-corporate Tory who is probably well to the right of her own traditional right-wing, and this is possibly the most right wing cabinet in modern history. And yet, paradoxically, I think we are about to enter a time when we will put our petty divisions aside, when we will learn to co-operate fully, when we will raise our consciousness from the mundane. We will have to do this in order to survive, and we will, in the Re-education camps. I’ll see you there.
Todistamme puhtaan fasismin nousua natovaltioissa.
Poikkeuslakeja, salaliittoja, militarisointia, terroria kansalaisia vastaan.
Tämä on kovan luokan virtuaalitodellisuutta: terrorin lavastuksia poliisivaltioiden ja diktatuurin luomiseksi.
A report in 21st of July edition of Le Figaro newspaper states that France’s anti-terrorist executive ( sous-direction anti-terroriste- SDAT) has ordered Nice’s…
Näytä lisääIdeologinen alku, tausta, tosimaailman rituaalimagia suurena inspiraationa
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