lauantaina, marraskuuta 22, 2008

Billy Talent Suomessa - Viesti Suomen luterilaiselle kirkolle

Billy Talent interview I - Message for Lutherans - Viesti Suomen kirkolle from Arhii Finnsanity on Vimeo.

ja sama as low res iPhone-
video, Youtube:

Haastattelu I Billy Talent

On YLE – TV in Helsinki, the host asked us “What if your ten year old son demands a Playstation 3 because all his friends have them? What do the parents say?” This is among our toughest questions, and it is often asked as the Christmas pressure increases.

Find the magical perspectives and excitement that the screen wants to substitute – find that magic in life itself. How to do this? We believe: parents consciously introduce kinds of peaceful play. Start with this: What is the physical equivalent of the video-games? It is the mystery of the contest with evil - it is fight or flight - it is strategy and mythic storytelling.

KEYWORDS:: kirkko keskustelu piispa kirkon omaisuus ev lut evankelis luterilainen kirkko martti luther martin luther protestantti protestanttisuus protesti helsingin sanomat video vierailu helsingissä show gospel reverend The Church Of Stop Shopping youtube fi suomessa suomi finland Helsinki huumori aktivismi aktivisti kansalaisaktivismi mielenosoitus kauppakeskuksessa kampissa kamppi kampin kauppakeskus eero huovinen jukka paarma kirkkohallitus avioliitto-opas diakonia diakoniatyö nuorisotyö komedia parodia show

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