* päivitetty
Agentti Breivik:in avulla Norjasta tehtiin CIA-Norja.
- "We have a defense minister who has said that relations with Russia can never be the same as before and we have high-ranking politicians who claim that the only language Russia understands is rehabilitation and deterrence." - Foreign Minister Børge Brende
-- Nato-keskustelu oli painottunut ennen Breivikiä Natosta eroamiseen (Joka on unohdutettu totaalisesti kaikkialla massamediassa!) mutta Breivikin jälkeen natokeskustelu kiellettiin heti Norjan massamediassa. Kuka tahansa tervejärkinen tajuaa että natokeskustelun kieltäminen "hullun takia" on ohjattu psyko-operaatio, PsyOp. Poliisijohtajat todellakin kielsivät aseistettujen poliisien helikopteri-lennon 5 min nujertamaan ampujia (joita oli useita), videokuvia "kypärä-breivikin" kävelystä pommin asettamisessa ei ole julkaistu koska kävelijä ei ole breivik ja videosta se voidaan todentaa helposti
kts merkittävä yleisanalyysi
Lisää kontrollikulttuurista, valtionterrorista, massojen pelkosuggestiosta
ja katso sivun lopusta kaikki kirjoitukseni linkki-tagissä: "Breivik"
Koulutus & suggestio: Lontoo
" 23-vuotias Breivik sanoi olleensa nuorin henkilö tapaamisessa,
jonka oli järjestänyt "Serbialainen komentaja". Tapaamisen päätteeksi Breivik nimettiin hänen mukaansa ritariksi.
Lontoon jälkeen Breivik mainitsee vielä kaksi laajempaa tapaamista, joihin tuli ihmisiä joka puolelta Eurooppaa. Hänen mukaansa tapaamisissa oli korkean tason turvajärjestelyt, ja osallistuneita kiellettiin kertomasta asioista ulkopuolisille.
"Elektroninen tai muu viestintä oli täysin kiellettyä ennen, jälkeen ja tapaamisten aikana. Viimeisessä tapaamisessamme kaiken yhteydenpidon pysyvää katkaisemista painotettiin. Kaikki kontaktit solujen kesken olivat ankarasti kiellettyjä." Breivikin talousasiat saivat jostakin merkittävää parannusta, kun hän olemattomien verotulojen jälkeen sai yli 600000 kruunua (n. 77000 euroa) vuodessa verovuodelta 2006-2007..." - Kalle Kataja
- Breivik-tuomio ei selvitä taustatapahtumien todellista laajuutta
- Breivik psykiatrisena nukkena
"Ideologista toimintaa ei voi neutralisoida psykiatrisella ulossulkemisella."
-kommenteissa lisää linkkejä ja kommenttejani
NRK News
- Can not exchange diplomats with soldiers -
Stortingsrepresentant Kirsti Bergstø goes vigorously towards today's government,
which she believes has challenged the neighborhood relationship with Russia.

-- SV's deputy chairman Kirsti Bergstø believes the deployment of the Norwegian Consulate General in Murmansk shows a fundamental wrong priority from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The time makes the case extra complicated, "she > says.
- Bergstø strongly reacts to the fact that the visa department at the foreign service station has been suspended, that diplomats have been sent home and local employees have lost their jobs.
"If Norway is to be a neighbor and bridgebuilder, we can not exchange diplomats in Russia with soldiers along the border," Bergstø says.
The garrison in southern Varanger is strengthened with an extra hunting company in 2017, while Norway reduces its activity at the Consulate General in Murmansk.
NRK was able to report Tuesday that diplomats have been sent home and the visa department has now moved to Moscow.
- Challenges historical cooperation -
Bergstø believes this could challenge the historical good cooperation between Russia and Norway on important issues such as fisheries management, environmental protection and people-to-people cooperation in the north.
- This shows fundamental errors from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because the international image shows an increasing conflict between the United States and Russia. I am worried about a development in which Norway opt out of dialogue with Russia while moving closer to the United States.
Foreign Minister Børge Brende answers the criticisms like this:
"Bergstø creates the impression that we are building down our diplomatic presence in Russia. This is based on a misunderstanding. The Consulate General in Murmansk is not built down, and we do not in any way prioritize relations with Russia in the north.
Brende emphasizes that the staffing at the consulate in Murmansk should not be reduced.
"We are making an effective streamlining of visa work at our foreign stations in many parts of the world. This has nothing to do with prioritizing relations with Russia. That all processing of visa applications in Russia will now take place in Moscow does not entail any change in visa practice for citizens in North-West Russia. The activity level at the Consulate General in Murmansk is high and it will still be. Apart from the positions related to visa work, the crew in Murmansk is the same, while the visa department in Moscow is strengthened. Visa applicants in Murmansk will be able to submit their applications at a local visa center. The Consulate General in Murmansk will still receive applications for border certificate, he says.
Bergstø goes vigorously towards today's government, which she believes has challenged the neighborhood relationship with Russia.
"It has been very sad to see how a historic neighborhood has been put to the test by the Norwegian government through a cold-war rhetoric," she says.
- "We have a defense minister who has said that relations with Russia can never be the same as before and we have high-ranking politicians who claim that the only language Russia understands is rehabilitation and deterrence .
- US Marines in Norway -
Not surprisingly, there are military exercises like Battle Griffin provoking Bergstø, where US Marines participated in Norwegian soil. PHOTO: GEIR OTTO JOHANSEN / AFTENPOSTEN
Bergstø believes Norway is moving so far away from Russia that it can push the balance point between being a NATO member and a neighbor to Russia.
"We do this by accepting American presence on Norwegian soil and by considering joining the United States missiles defense team.
"At the same time, it is clear that Norway will react when violations against other countries occur and there is a violation of international law, occupation and annexation. But it is completely possible to both react and at the same time have a dialogue and constructive conversation, Bergstø emphasizes.
Published 02.08.2017, at. 7:39 updated 02.08.2017, at. 6:58 p.m.
Eric Zuesse: How Mainstream US ‘News’ Media Pump Their Government’s Lies to Deceive the Public https://t.co/iB46LQnsH5— DJS (@DJSiri) August 5, 2017
- Breivik ja psykiatria politiikan jatkeena
Suomi Hajota ja hallitse -operation kohteena: rauha sodaksi, valtio siirtomaaksi väestönsiirrolla ja natolla
Näyttää siltä, kuin massamedia haluaisi tarkoituksellisesti unohtaa NATO:n ja CIA:n organisoiman terrorismin 60- ja 70-luvulla Euroopassa ja sen paljastumisen.
CIA-NATOn 15000 terrori-iskua. Saksassa Nato ja Amerikka organisoi äärioikeistolaisia terroristijoukkoja. Kaikki tutkinnat keskeytettiin kesken valtion toimesta.
Onko tämä tosiaan onnistuttu pyyhkimään ihmisten mielestä pois?
European Parliament resolution concerning Gladio
On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio, requesting full investigations – which have yet to be done – and total dismantlement of these paramilitary structures.
In 2005,the first academic examination of Gladio was published by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser. Mr. Ganser, as of 2010, is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. His book, NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, is a documented study of how Gladio operated
- Wikisource has original text related to this article:
1 kommentti:
Tässä on linkki Ole Dammegårdin esitelmään Utön ja Breivikin tragediasta kuvien avulla. Hän esittää eräistä "omituisuuksista" dokumentoidut videot ja valokuvat. Vaikka esitelmä menee ajoittain yli ainakin minun horisonttini, niin siinä on kuitenkin sen verran paljastuvia epäloogisuuksia, joista monet ovat normaalilla faktanetsinnällä ja logiikalla suhteellisen helposti tarkistettavissa, että voi olla syytä hieman perehtyä niihin - siis "faktarusinat" tästä esitelmästä ja aiheesta poimien. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC4OWCKlF1Q&feature=player_embedded
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