sunnuntaina, elokuuta 05, 2012

Tšehovin lokki oli ensin floppi

Tšehovin lokki oli ensin floppi, sitten vasta taidehysterian kohde.

Repikää siitä, pelokkaat taideteknokraatit ja opetusministeriön virkamiesten alla mateleva elokuvasäätiö.

  •  The awareness of time’s passage and irreversibility of its direction and speed most commonly produces in us feelings of nostalgia, loss and anxiety. So what is this palpable, merciless character doing in the middle of a comedy? Has the wrong understanding of the role of time caused the rift between Stanislavski, a man who first directed The Cherry Orchard, and Chekhov ? And if we were to take Chekhov at his word and read The Cherry Orchard as a comedy, how can we weave into that reading the powerful presence of time? As always, in order to answer these questions we must go back to Chekhov’s text and identify the qualities and nature of time that Chekhov puts into action in his final play.


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