Suomalainen valevasemmisto toistaa CIA:n propagandaa ja kannattaa EU:n poliisivaltion, tuhokapitalismia ja sensuuridiktatuurin luomista.
Heikki Hirvinen
- Ongelma on esimerkiksi Helsingin yliopiston maailmanpolitiikan professori Teivo Teivainen. Hän on tavallaan täkäläisen vasemmiston näkyvimpiä ja (pseudo)intellektuellisimpia hahmoja. Heilunut latinoamerikassa, koska Che Guevara ja akkansa on sieltä. Saanut jonkun duunin yliopistolla, koska tietää jotain niistä jutuista. Tuonut Evo Moralesin tänne nostaakseen sillä omaa uraansa. Toisaalta TV:ssä UPIn Palsternakan vieressä selittänyt olevansa liberaalivasemmistolainen ja siksi kannattavansa USA-vetoista liberaalia maailmanjärjestystä. Miettikää mitä joku Evo Morales olisi mieltä tälläisestä hemmosta. Mutta tämä on tyypillinen tendenssi nykyvasemmistolle jotka imaisevat nuorison kapinalliset energiat ja sitten kanavoivat ne globaalin uusliberaalin korporaatiovetoisen maailmanjärjestyksen hyväksi viime kädessä - koska pinnallinen nuorten ja lapsenmielisten himoitsema vapaus ja liberalismi siinä. Helposti manipuloitavaa sakkia, koska pyrkimys moraalisäteilyyn ja huomiohakuisuuteen. Mutta, moni muu yliopistolla ja vastaavissa piireissä myös halveksuukin Teivaista täysin avoimesti mm. edellämainituista syistä. Käykää itse katsomassa millaista tasoa on Helsingin yliopiston maailmanpolitiikan professorin seinä.
Sakari Linden
- Mielenkiintoista. Vasemmistolaiset puolueet esimerkiksi Ranskassa ja Espanjassa tuomitsevat jyrkästi vallankaappausyritykseksi kuvailemansa tapahtumat Venezuelassa. Suomen vasemmistoliitto ei asiaa kommentoi.
Meillä ei ole vasemmistoa eduskunnassa.
Operaatio on käynnissä.
Mikko Majander: Demokratiaa dollareilla – SDP ja puoluerahoitus pulataloudessa 1945 – 1954. Otava 2007, sivuja 348.
Valtiotieteen tohtori Mikko Majander aloittaa uuden tutkimuksensa lainaamalla Väinö TannerinMessuhallissa 30.11. 1952 pitämää puhetta eräänlaisena mottona:
”Puolueemme puhtaassa vaatteessa pieninkin tahra näkyy räikeän suurena ja sen vuoksi luottamushenkilöiden moraalin on oltava kaiken epäilyksen yläpuolella.”
Majanderin kirjaa ei tarvitse lukea kovinkaan pitkään kun ymmärtää millaisen vitsin Tanner tuli murjaisseeksi.
Tanner oli natsi, tuomittu natsi ja SDP ylistää häntä yhä.
Ohjelmointi ja lahjonta toimii. Tarvitsemme takaisin aidon vasemmistolaisen puolueen. Nyt ihmisiä huijataan räikeästi salaliitoilla. Vasemmisto toi meille Hyvän Suomen 1969-1980 lakkotaisteluille, hyvän elintason, hyvän terveydenhuollon veroprogressiolla ja resurssien jakamisella, vuokrasääntelyllä.
Kansa taisteli, taisteleeko enää?
Virkasuomi ylläpitää siis 900 vuoden kolonisaatiota harkitusti yllä eli eliitin etuoikeuksia. Suojeltu eliitti houkuttelee itselleen avustajia ja sabotöörejä epädemokraaattisilla etuoikeuksilla, suojelulla kun harkittu terrori luo epätoivoa kansalle. Elitismi ja korruptio näyttäytyy ainoana vaihtoehtona statushegemoniassa.
- " Kun on aikansa asunut ulkomailla niin alkaa nähdä selvästi sen miten vihamielisesti virallinen sääntö-Suomi suhtautuu ihmisiin. Suomessa asuessa sitä on vaikea erottaa koska se on normaalitila. Wittgensteinia siteeraten, sinisessä maailmassa ei voi muodostaa sinisen käsitettä. "
"Franklin Roosevelt's thirteen year-long battle with the #DeepState, which he referred to as the "economic royalists who should have left America in 1776″, was defined in clear terms by his patriotic Vice-President Henry Wallace who warned of the emergence of a new Anglo-American fascism in 1944 when he said:
"Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes."
The fact is that already in 1944, a policy of Anglo-Saxon #imperialism had been promoted subversively by British-run think tanks known as the Round Table Movement and Fabian Society, and the seeds had already been laid for the anti-Russian cold war by those British-run American fascists. It is not a coincidence that this fascist Cold War policy was announced in a March 5, 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri by none other than Round Table-follower Winston Churchill.
When the Round Table Movement was created with funds from the Rhodes Trust in 1902, a new plan was laid out to create a new technocratic elite to manage the re-emergence of the new British Empire and crush the emergence of American-inspired nationalism globally. This organization would be staffed by generations of Rhodes Scholars who would receive their indoctrination in Oxford before being sent back to advance a "post-nation state" agenda in their respective countries.
As this agenda largely followed the mandate set out by Cecil Rhodes in his Seventh Will who said "Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, and for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?"
With the help of an anglophile, racist president in America, leading figures organizing these think tanks first advanced a program to create a "League of Nations" as the solution to the "nationalist problem" which humanity was told "caused" World War One. Nationalist forces in America rejected the idea that the constitution should be rendered obsolete and the plan for global governance failed. However that did not stop the Round Table Movement from trying again. ...
By 1919, the Round Table Movement changed its name to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) with the "Round Table" name relegated to its geopolitical periodical. In Canada and Australia, branches were created in 1928 under the rubrics of "Canadian and Australian Institutes for International Affairs" (CIIA, AIIA). However in America, where knowledge of the British Empire's subversive role was more widely known, the name "American Institute for International Affairs" was still too delicate. Instead the name "Council on Foreign Relations" was chosen and was chartered in 1921.
Staffed with Rhodes Scholars and Fabians, the #CFR (and its International Chatham House counterparts) dubbed themselves "independent think tanks" which interfaced with Rhodes Scholars and Fabians in academia, government and the private sector alike with the mission of advancing a foreign policy agenda that was in alignment with the British Empire's dream of an Anglo-American "special relationship." ...
Though it took a few ASSASSINATIONS throughout the post war years, Kissinger's TAKEOVER of the State Department ushered in a new era of British occupation of American foreign policy, whereby the republic increasingly became the "Dumb Giant" acting as "American Brawn for the British brains" using Churchill's words. While a nihilistic generation of youth were tuning in on LSD, and an old guard of patriots surrounding Wallace and Kennedy had fallen to the "red scare" witch hunt, geopolitical theory was fed like a sweet poison down the throat of a sleeping nation, replacing a policy of peace and "win-win cooperation" advanced by true nationalist patriots as FDR, Wallace and the Kennedys, with an imperial clone masquerading as a republic.
Sir Kissinger did nothing less than reveal his total allegiance to the British Empire on May 10, 1981, during a Chatham House conference in Britain when he described his relationship with the British Foreign office in the following terms: "The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never practiced between sovereign nations... In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department... It was symptomatic".
During this period, Kissinger worked closely with CIA director George Bush Senior, who was later rewarded for his role in advancing the British-planned first war on Kuwait with a knighthood. This war set the stage for the second wave of Middle East wars beginning with the Anglo-Saudi orchestrated operation known as 9/11 and the ushering in of the new "post-nation state order" by Kissinger and Blair. This was the era which was celebrated by both Kissinger and Bush in sundry places as "the New World Order." ...
It is this dystopic geopolitical order which has been challenged by the Russia-China alliance which arose in earnest with Xi Jinping's 2013 announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative as the Grand design for large scale infrastructure projects internationally and in September 2015 with Vladimir Putin's intervention into Syria which defeated the Hobbesian regime change paradigm which poisoned the West." ...
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