lauantaina, elokuuta 02, 2008

Dokumenttifilmit netissä

Nyt alkaa netti potkia.

Snagfilms-sivulla ilmaiseksi kansainvälisiä dokumenttifilmejä.

Stream on you.

Director Markie Hancock's evangelical upbringing
and her 20-year struggle to get out

A voyage of ideas about life, writing, sex,
spirituality, nightmares, and New York

Is it possible to shed light on the states
of grace experienced by mystics and meditators?

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping

Dreams on Spec
Every year tens of thousands of scripts are finished,
but only a few hundred are made into movies.

Maria Finitzo follows five strong young women
between the ages of 13 and 17

The world's first dramatic-documentary-musical satire
explores our country's most taboo topic: class

Explore the miraculous potential and frightening
possibilities behind genetic cloning.

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